Advanced Mesotherapy In Alpharetta, GA

The most common treatment areas:

Abdomen, front of the abdomen, thighs, upper arm, chin, neck, infraorbital (fat pad below the eyes), buttock area, area between bra straps and underarms, above the knee.

The procedure is painless and comfortable for the patient, and there is no need for anesthesia or recovery time. It is known as a quick treatment that can be done during a lunch break, taking only 15-30 minutes. After the procedure, it is typical to experience side effects like pain, discomfort, tingling, burning, swelling, and/or bruising.

The results are unique to each individual, and it may take several treatments to achieve your desired outcome.

Pre-treatment instructions:

Avoid Aspirin, Vitamin E, Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin, Advil, or Alive for at least 5 days before treatment;

It is recommended to consume a light meal that is high in protein 2-4 hours before your treatment at Alpharetta.

Hydrate by drinking at least 72 ounces of water on the day of your treatment.


1 treatment $350

3 treatments $950

6 treatments $1800

Please note that each treatment is considered one area. During a FREE consultation provider will discuss how many treatments and areas needed for optimal results.

Post-treatment recommendation

Post-treatment recommendation:

Avoid hot baths or showers for at least 48 hours;

No hot tubs or saunas for at least 2 weeks after your treatment;

No exercise for 48 hours;

Use Arnica cream 3-4 times a day for 2-3 days after treatment;

Please apply ice as needed.

Change compression dressings if necessary.

Ready To Book Your Mesotherapy Appointment?

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