Kybella Treatment In Alpharetta, GA
Reveal a stunning jawline with Kybella. This treatment reduces the appearance of a double chin, highlighting a more youthful and sculpted face.
- Approved by the FDA to target submental fat.
- Sustained results.
- Uses a natural agent to break down fat and eliminate it permanently.

Kybella is the only FDA-approved method for addressing submental fullness under the chin. This condition can result from genetics and aging, not just excess weight. A 2015 ASDS study found that 67% of people were very concerned about the fat under their chin.
Kybella is a minimally invasive option to treat severe fullness under the chin. It comprises synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule responsible for breaking down fat. When injected into the chin’s fatty tissue, Kybella effectively destroys fat cells, reducing fullness.
2 ml vial
2 ml vial

On average, patients need 2-4 sessions to achieve the best outcome. A single treatment may involve injecting up to 10 mL, but the dosage is determined by the patient’s specific submental fat distribution and desired results. Kybella injections can be given every 4-8 weeks.
Typically, this procedure lasts about 15-20 minutes. Potential side effects include swelling, bruising, numbness, redness, and some firmness in the treatment area.
After one treatment, many patients observe significant improvement. Kybella’s effects are enduring as it permanently eliminates fat cells during treatment, assuming the patient maintains a healthy weight.

It’s commonly thought that a double chin is only a concern for overweight individuals and can be eliminated through typical weight loss methods. However, it can develop even in individuals who are in good shape and maintain a healthy weight. Kybella is effective in eliminating a persistent “double chin” that remains resistant to exercise, dietary changes, or conventional fat reduction methods.

What is Kybella?
Kybella, an FDA-approved treatment, contains deoxycholic acid to reduce submental fat, commonly known as the “double chin.” This acid occurs naturally in our digestive system, assisting in the breakdown and absorption of fats for better digestion. With a shorter recovery period than surgical options and fewer associated risks, Kybella is preferred for its utilization of a naturally occurring substance in our bodies.

How does Kybella work?

Injected below the chin, Kybella acts to dissolve fat cells. The remnants of these cells are then metabolized and naturally eliminated from the body over weeks. By preventing the treated fat cells from storing fat, Kybella ensures enduring effects.
*However, in the event of a significant weight gain, there is a possibility that some fat may return to the chin area.
Are there side effects?
Penetrating the skin’s surface can lead to bruising, although it’s not a frequent outcome. Swelling and tenderness are common immediately after treatment. The most pronounced swelling occurs in the first few days post-treatment, showing that Kybella is functioning. This swelling results from fat cell membranes disintegrating and releasing fragments to be flushed out. Swelling may lessen within a few days to a few weeks.

What Should You Expect During Your Appointment In Alpharetta?
The process starts with the application of a topical numbing cream, which is left on for about 30 minutes to ensure maximum effectiveness. Once the area is numb, your provider in Alpharetta will make several small Kybella injections (usually between 20-50) beneath the chin. The injection procedure generally takes around 10-15 minutes, ensuring that the total appointment duration is not over an hour. Hence, Kybella is commonly termed a “lunchtime procedure,” allowing clients to return to their regular activities right after treatment.

Is one treatment enough to fully get rid of my double chin?
Though some clients may experience satisfaction after one treatment, it’s generally recommended to undergo at least three sessions for complete achievement of aesthetic objectives. The number of treatments necessary varies depending on the individual, and providers in Alpharetta can offer guidance on the optimal quantity. Clients may receive up to six Kybella injections, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart.